I heard there was snow in the mountains. I wasn’t sure where but I got in my car and
headed in the general direction north. I began to see the mountain ranges covered in
snow and got off the highway. I followed the roads towards the mountains. I didn’t know
where I was. I had never been on these roads before. As I got closer, I saw a mountain
face that spoke to me. It’s shape and the amount of snow made it seem special. That
was the mountain I really wanted to get close to. I wound round and round, up and
down. It felt right. The road got more gravelly, more pot holes, mud, puddles of water,
what was I going to find round the next corner. I climbed a hill face and as I came to the
top, there it was, the mountain face I wanted to see. I got out of the car, grabbed my
tripod and camera and began to compose. Just then, the sun peaked between the
clouds and lighted the landscape in such a way, it became alive. I made my exposure in
1/60 th of a second. And like that, the beam of light moved on. That had been the
moment. I was breathless with excitement. Savoring the magic of the moment my heart
filled with joy and inspiration.
Photographing for me is a series of questions and adventures. Starting out with the
unknown, being driven forward by compelling excitement of the possibilities of finding
the magical moments in nature that bring so much joy to my heart and sharing what I
have witnessed with others. Magic happens a lot in my life. Most all of my photographs
are made within the moments of heart palpitations, rapid breathing and still remaining
calm to use my craft with precision and accuracy. From the words of one my favorite
photographer’s Henri-Cartier Bresson, “You just have to live and life will give you